Violet Skateboards is the brainchild of renowned filmmaker and skateboarding visionary Bill Strobeck, known for his iconic work with Supreme and the Blessed and Cherry videos. Launched in 2021, Violet Skateboards reflects Strobeck's creative ethos, blending skateboarding's raw energy with his signature cinematic flair. The brand serves as a platform to amplify unique voices and talent within the skateboarding community, pushing boundaries both on and off the board.
Strobeck created Violet to spotlight a new wave of skaters who bring diverse styles, personalities, and perspectives to the culture. It’s a personal project for Strobeck, inspired by his lifelong connection to skateboarding and his passion for showcasing individuality. The brand’s aesthetic mirrors Strobeck's artistic vision, characterized by bold graphics, creative storytelling, and an unapologetically raw attitude.
The Violet Skateboards team is a carefully curated roster of skaters who embody the brand’s distinct identity. Leading the charge is Kris Brown, a skater whose stylish approach and natural flow represent the ethos of the brand. The team also features strong personalities like Oskar Rozenberg and Auguste Bouznad, each bringing their own flavor to Violet's creative output. Strobeck’s keen eye for talent ensures that Violet remains a fresh and forward-thinking force in skateboarding.
From its striking decks to its innovative video edits, Violet Skateboards represents the intersection of art, individuality, and skateboarding. Strobeck’s vision is not just to build a brand but to cultivate a community, celebrating the stories and styles that make skateboarding such a vibrant culture. Violet continues to resonate with those who seek authenticity and creative expression in every aspect of their skating.